The Probability Shift

The Probability Shift

SF thriller in progress


New structure,  new method, new point of view, and directly written in English. This project is more a work of experimentation, we’ll see where it goes.


If time is relative, going back is just a question of probabilities.




Head of advanced probabilistic models research for the UN, Kevin Craft is a socially challenged Asperger. His wife and anchor works with him on projections to forecast and prevent disasters around the world. But when Vanessa is brutally murdered, her husband, left to himself, embarks on a dark journey to completely model the tragic events down to the last details. Reliving every second, every decision leading to the dramatic end, his reason starts to shift and he soon believes he can tether his simulation to the past itself, using quantum entanglement to alter his wife destiny.


Not quite there yet…

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